Mission Statement:

In 2017, 30 Black Bears were euthanized in the Pike Peak Region, because they were attracted to trash and other edibles, often left outside at night. Place garbage outside ONLY on trash collections day (per city law) or use a bear proof container. Let's get 30 deaths down to zero-soon!

We are:
Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region
Cheyenne Mountain Zoo
Council of Neighbors and Organizations (CONO)
City of Colorado Springs
Colorado Parks and Wildlife
Many Neighbors and Volunteers

BTF Goals and Objectives 6-1-2018


Mission: Reduce human/bear conflict by restricting access to human food and garbage, foster a better understanding of black bears and significantly reduce the number of bears euthanized in Colorado Springs due to human/bear interaction.


1.              Assess current status of conflict reduction in Colorado Springs including public education, waste and attractant management, ordinance and enforcement.

2.              Recommend an implementation plan that will result in a significant reduction of human-bear conflicts in Colorado Springs, increase safety for people, reduce property damage, and reduce the number of bears destroyed within Colorado Springs city limits.

3.              CPW survey to assess public opinion on management options.

4.              Recommend a city ordinance requiring residents living in Colorado Springs and unincorporated El Paso County areas west of 1-25 (including zip codes 80904, 80905, 80906, 80907—west side-80919) to use bear proof trash cans and dumpsters. Establish boundary areas in Colorado Springs as west of 1-25 from Southgate Road to Norad Road.

5.              Work with CPW to assess Bear risk management to reduce euthanasia.

6.              Seek grant funding to assist with bear education materials, studies and access to bear resistant trash containers.

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