Mission Statement:

In 2017, 30 Black Bears were euthanized in the Pike Peak Region, because they were attracted to trash and other edibles, often left outside at night. Place garbage outside ONLY on trash collections day (per city law) or use a bear proof container. Let's get 30 deaths down to zero-soon!

We are:
Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region
Cheyenne Mountain Zoo
Council of Neighbors and Organizations (CONO)
City of Colorado Springs
Colorado Parks and Wildlife
Many Neighbors and Volunteers

Adopt/Sponsor A Bear Education Project

Adopt-a-Bear Education Projects West of I-25 partnering with the private sector.   Commercial sponsorships available with logo and program-wide sponsorship identification.   

Email us for details. 

1. "Sothers The Bear"  reaching out to elementary schools kids in local school districts west of I-25:

2.  Year-around Access road Neighborhood Sign Campaign for neighborhoods west of I-25: 

2.  Neighborhood Watch/Neighborhood Association outreach using NextDoor in cooperation with CONO, the Council of Neighbors and Organizations --  /www.cscono.org.  Also with CSPD Neighborhood Watch, emailing alerts to key areas and distributing door hangers for neighbor-to-neighbor contacts. 

3.  Local TV/Radio PSA Campaign produced in association with local colleges, distributed to local media and possibly state-wide through the Colorado Association of Broadcasters. 

4.  Middle School "Stencil Fundraisers" sending middle schoolers through neighborhoods with "Bear Aware" stencils to spray on existing trash binds.   $5 per stencil, proceeds go to schools. 

5.  "Locking Bin" discount sales program through local retailers like Home Depot, Lowe's, Ace Hardware with a special promotion and special pricing to encourage residents to purchase locking trash bins. 

6.  Airport diorama at the Colorado Springs Airport using a donated grizzly and taxidermied black bear, designed to message kids and travelers, approximately 2 million passengers a year.  

Loaned Grizzly (Alaska) 

Local brown Black Bear

7.  Community Newspaper press campaign in community newspapers west of I-25, including press release coverage and possible sponsorships of the Bear Aware program by the papers themselves. 

8.   Loaned Executives and Volunteers needed for these projects, especially a grant writer. 

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